What does a PSHE Lesson look like?

At Birkwood Primary, we use a bespoke lesson structure to ensure previous learning is retrieved and new learning is taught in engaging and purposeful ways.

This structure is used in every lesson to ensure children continue to develop their understanding of how to be happy, healthy, respectful and most importantly safe. Children work together collaboratively in pairs small groups or during whole class discussion.

In addition to this, special days and weeks are taught to further develop our children’s personal development.

< back to Personal Development Overview



PSHE Lesson
Within all PSHE lessons, the following structure is followed:
5 minutes What is PSHE?

Children will recall what PSHE stands for and think about what they may learn about in each theme. For example, E stands for Economic. Children could be learning about how to save money.


What are our British Values?

Children will recall the British Values. The class will choose one British Value to discuss.

5 minutes Retrieval Practice: This should recall from the previous lesson following the focussed module.


Vocabulary: Knowledge organisers are used to recall vocabulary from the current unit.

2 minutes Introduce the Learning Objectives: The learning objectives are on display throughout the lesson for children to refer to.


35 minutes Main Teaching: This will include a range of collaborative/independent and written/visual resources. The lesson will follow the sequence of the focussed unit.


The lesson may include:


Collaborative Learning:

·      Partner talk

·      Group Work / Paired Work

·      Circle time

·      Drama


Independent learning:

·      Children may share their own ideas verbally or written.

·      Laptop work


Visual/Written resources:

·      Video scenarios for children to debate and decide

·      Written scenarios

·      Worksheets

5 minutes Reflection: What have children learnt this lesson? Sentence starters, scenarios or questions could be used to reflect on learning.

KS1 and KS2


How do we ensure children remember more in PSHE?
How is the PSHE Curriculum organised? What do we use to recall previous knowledge? How else do we strengthen learning in school?

The Core Curriculum


The core curriculum is organised into 9 themes. Children re-visit these themes each year with a focussed module. Our themes and modules taught are found on the PSHE Overview.


Re-visiting the range of themes each year ensures children are sequentially building on their previous knowledge.




Each lesson begins with an opportunity for children to recall knowledge previously learnt in the module and previous years.


The British Values are discussed in each lesson to help children understand how to be a kind & respectful citizen in a modern and diverse Britain.

Theme days and weeks built into the whole school curriculum


Throughout the year, children learn through themed days and weeks to further develop their personal development.


RSE Week


Anti-bullying Week


Healthy Eating Week


Children’s mental Health Week


Mental Health Awareness Week


E-Safety Week


End Points


End points are used to identify what each child should know at the end of each year.


These end points outline what children should understand about Relationships, Health Education and Living in the Wider World.





Children are given opportunities to show what they already know about a theme before the module begins. This allows teachers to identify any gaps in learning and to plan to address these.


After a module, children will show what they have learnt more specifically.






Weekly assemblies are delivered by Mr. Wood. Assemblies focus on wider world issues or special events and days. Each assembly refers back to the protected characteristics and our British Values.