SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education. This is about supporting children to develop as people, both inside and outside of the classroom. Teaching SMSC in primary schools is about helping children grow an understanding of the world around them.

At our school, SMSC is a key part of the curriculum.

We have various opportunities for our children.

We have democratically elected school councillors who represent their peers, well being champions who promote positive mental health, reading ambassadors who encourage a love of books and digital leaders who help everyone stay safe online.

Religious Education (RE) is also taught weekly which helps children develop an understanding of different faiths and beliefs.

Philosophy for Children (P4C) sessions are also taught where children can ask big questions and explore different ideas in a safe and respectful environment.

By teaching SMSC from a young age, we’re laying the foundations for a future generation of safe, kind, and respectful individuals.



When our children learn about spiritual development, they explore their feelings and beliefs, helping to develop a sense of self and their place in the world. Our PSHE and RE curriculum provides learning opportunities for children to develop their spiritual education. As well as this, our school provides plentiful opportunities to further develop their sense of self through after school clubs, school trips, music lessons and important roles given within school.


One aspect of our school vision within school is to strive to ‘do the right thing’. This helps the children to understand right from wrong and make good choices, which is where the moral aspect comes in. Learning to do the right thing is celebrated and modelled in all aspects of school.


Social education teaches children how to work together, respect each other, and be part of their communities. This is encourages children to work collaboratively and independently. Children are given many opportunities to work with other children. As well as this, we teach lessons such as Philosophy for Children (P4C) where children respect others’ views.


Cultural education gives students an insight into the diverse world we live in, celebrating different backgrounds and traditions. ‘Birkwood is for EVERYONE’ is what we strongly believe in. Therefore, children are educated about how to respect people’s differences in many areas of the curriculum. Children understand the importance of the protected characteristics and British Values.

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