Personal Development is at the heart of everything we do at Birkwood. Linked firmly to our school vision statement of ‘Do The Right Thing,’ we aim to assist in the development of truly inclusive citizens who are a credit to their family, their community and, crucially, to themselves.
A central focus at Birkwood throughout the curriculum is the Equalities Act 2010. We believe that this fundamental and core knowledge is something every child should understand (at an age-appropriate level) to be successful in our global community.
By the time pupils leave us in Year 6, they have learned the full range of protected characteristics, discussed these and applied their knowledge to real life scenarios, including contemplating hurdles and challenges they may have faced or could face in the future.
Aristotle is the father of virtue theory. We endeavour to nurture our school values of respect, kindness and effort in every child. We believe that this cultivates the growing young person on their journey to flourishing into adulthood.
 This wisdom guides us to, ‘Do The Right Thing.’
Aristotle taught us that good moral character is not something we can achieve on our own. Through effective collaboration (that holds respect and kindness at its heart), our culture supports the conditions under which self-love, self-respect and friendship can flourish.
We aim to develop character through offering rich, early childhood experiences which develop a range of virtues. Opportunities for development are provided: memorable interaction, experiences through practical everyday school situations as well as an enrichment offer that is inclusive and broad. This contributes to children building on blocks from their pre-school early years by allowing them to learn and then use their skills in many different real-life situations in school and beyond.