
Clever Clocks

Year 2 Parks have been busy evaluating, designing and constructing their very own clocks this week as part of our DT lessons. Play the video to take a look at our wonderful work!

Micro habitats 

As part of our habitat learning this half term, Year 2 Parks have explored the school grounds to see the different micro habitats that could be found! What animals do you think we discovered?

Y3 Earhart’s trip to the YWP! 

We had a fantastic time at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We explored a range of animals which linked to our science. We explored the Amazonas and had an amazing rainforest workshop. We learnt about which animals are found in each layer and how they survive there.

Sun safety 

We looked at different ways to be safe in the sun. We know that we need to protect our eyes too.

Boston Park Farm 

What a wonderful day! We met a range of animals, went on a trailer ride, explored a maze and of course played! A fantastic, fun way to finish our Geography learning!

Hinduism reincarnation

This week Y2 Parka have been learning all about the Hinduism belief of reincarnation. We have discussed if we would like to be reincarnated as a human or animal and how we can live a life of good actions that would help us achieve Moska.
