
Micro habitats 

As part of our habitat learning this half term, Year 2 Parks have explored the school grounds to see the different micro habitats that could be found! What animals do you think we discovered?

Y3 Earhart’s trip to the YWP! 

We had a fantastic time at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We explored a range of animals which linked to our science. We explored the Amazonas and had an amazing rainforest workshop. We learnt about which animals are found in each layer and how they survive there.


We know the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees!

Life Cycles of Insects

Researching the life cycle of insects in Science. Is the process complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?

We have created life cycles of insects, identifying the differences between non-complete and complete metamorphosis.

Science Week All About Time

We are working scientifically to make pendulum timers. How long does it take to stop swinging from a 45 degree angle starting point? What happens to the time taken if we use different sizes of card to create air resistance? We wonder whether the time taken will increase or decrease?

Pendulum Clocks

We worked scientifically, using weighted objects, string and card to explore the length of time it takes for a pendulum to stop swinging from a 45 degree angle. We agreed on improvements for next time such as; ensuring controls of length of string, precise card measurement and exact angle used.

Parts of a Plant!

We looked closely at the different parts of a plant. We can identify roots, a stem, flowers and leaves.
