School Council

Road Safety Launch

Our School Council have featured in the Barnsley Chronicle. They have assisted Barnsley MBC in a new road safety campaign. They aim to remind pedestrians, cyclists, motorbike users and drivers that road safety is everyone’s responsibility. We were delighted to assist!

Road Safety School Council Stars

We were delighted to help Barnsley Council in promoting successful Road Safety around the Borough. Our School Council were filmed for some awareness campaigns to attempt to keep everyone safe around schools. A brilliant activity that we are proud to endorse!

Progress Update…

Many thanks to John from O&P who gave our School Council a tour of the new classrooms – set for completion around Easter. We were certainly excited to see what is in store for our new areas! An excellent afternoon.

MP Visits Birkwood

Our School Council were visited by Stephanie Peacock MP. Stephanie shared her experiences as an MP, answered lots of questions and also received a tour of the ‘New Birkwood!’ A great privilege to welcome Stephanie to school.
