
Barnsley Music Hub

Wow! What an amazing event hosted by Barnsley Music Hub. Such a beautiful performance from our brass players and a special mention to our confident speakers!


Preparations for the KS2 Music Festival are well under way in our Thursday brass lessons. Here is a sneaky peek of our photo that will be in the programme.

Making music 

This term in computing the Y2 Parks class are learning how to create, edit and add special effects to their very own music. This week they learnt how to loop music such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!

Rock Stars

Our Rock Steady music provision continues to thrive. Those who were able to attend the concerts, had a fantastic time. The children were absolute rock stars quite literally! This is a fantastic programme and anybody that would like to get involved please contact school at your earliest convenience. A huge thank you to Aron for all of his hard work and of course congratulations to the Rock Stars themselves! They were sensational!

A Grimethorpe Adventure

Year 4 Pankhurst had an amazing day at the Barnsley Civic. They worked with members of Grimethorpe Colliery Band to perform a specially commissioned piece called ‘A Grimethorpe Adventure.’ The piece was a narration by ‘Kim the Canary’ which included spoken introduction and then a fascinating suite of 12 pieces of music to depict life down Grimethorpe Colliery. At night, we returned to the venue to perform with the full Grimethorpe Band. The sounds were amazing. Massive thanks to Barnsley Music Hub and Grimethorpe Band for this special opportunity. The children were superb on a day to remember! We must give an extra special thank you to Helen Varley who provided superb support in leading this amazing project.


We loved performing our nativity ‘Whoops-a-Daisy Angel’ to our parents. We sang the songs beautifully and said our lines clearly for everyone to hear!

Sound is a type of energy…

Pankhurst class have been exploring that sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. We had some fabulous musicians explain to us how  guitar strings vibrate to create sound.

Rocksteady Rockers

What a performance! We saw lots of our Rocksteady Musicians wow a superb and very appreciative audience in school. Superb entertainment; many many thanks to Aaron for his expertise and an enormous well done to the rockers. Enjoy!

Christmas Lights 2023

Many thanks to Cudworth Ward Alliance. We joined Churchfield and Cherry Dale to celebrate the Christmas Lights switch on! Forming a choir, we entertained a very healthy audience. Thank you also to the Brass Quartet from Barnsley Met Band for their accompaniment. The choir enjoyed meeting Santa who presented them with a delicious treat! A lovely, community occasion.

‘A Grimethorpe Adventure’

Thank you to Helen from Grimethorpe Colliery Band for explaining to Pankhurst class all about ‘A Grimethorpe Adventure’ and its links to mining, we loved playing alongside you today.
