General Election

On 4th July, we enjoyed learning about the general election. We then decided to have our own election in FS2. We voted for the next headteacher. We attended the polling station, filled out our ballot papers and awaited the results. The result showed Miss Sabin won by a landslide and we can’t wait to see the bouncy castle she promised her voters!

People who help us

We have been learning all about people who help us. We learnt about how the police force has changed over time. We looked at the evolution of police vehicles and created a timeline of the different vehicles.

Chinese New Year

We learnt all about the celebration Chinese New Year. We enjoyed watching the Dragon Dance, made our own Chinese lanterns and dragon puppets and even tasted some delicious Chinese food!

Georgia O’Keeffe

We are learning all about Georgia O’Keeffe in art. We listened carefully to find out about her life and the types of paintings she created. We can’t wait to create our own paintings in her style!

Party Day

It was our Christmas party on 19th December.  We came dressed up in our best party and Christmas outfits and all looked amazing. We showed the ‘Birkwood Values’ throughout our party. 100% respect with our manners, 100% effort with the party games and 100% kindness looking after each other all afternoon!

Melted Snowman Biscuits

On 21st and 22nd December we worked in groups to make melted snowman biscuits. We followed instructions carefully.  We made the icing, drizzled it onto a biscuit base, added a marshmallow and used icing pens to create the face. We hope our grown ups enjoyed the biscuits!

Winter models

On 20th December, F2 Sharman had a DT morning. We used lots of junk modelling materials to make a winter model. We selected the materials we needed, explored different ways of joining the materials and created a finish by adding decorations. We are really proud of our creations!

Amazing Afternoon Stars

What a fantastic performance! Our very youngest children provided a beautiful version of the Christmas Story. They looked fantastic, sounded even better and absolutely thrilled the very appreciative audience. Many thanks to all of the staff for their directing, the refreshment helpers and of course to the cast! The children were truly wonderful and definitely brought some Christmas magic to Birkwood. Bravo!

Morning Magic

What a fantastic performance! Our very youngest children provided a beautiful version of the Christmas Story. They looked fantastic, sounded even better and absolutely thrilled the very appreciative audience. Many thanks to all of the staff for their directing, the refreshment helpers and of course to the cast! The children were truly wonderful and definitely brought some Christmas magic to Birkwood. Bravo!

Sponsored Read 2023

Our Sponsored Read was a lovely morning at Birkwood. Thank you to everyone who came to see us or supported us in any way. It was wonderful to see so many people loving reading in school. Any proceeds are to be shared between Macmillan and School Visit subsidies.


We loved our first visit to the library. We were amazed by all the different books and couldn’t wait to choose one to take home!
