
Balanced Arguments

We are using word processing to publish our balanced argument; we cannot wait to present them.

Books by same author

We loved Kirsty Applebaum’s TrooFriend so much that we made a special order for Middler. This reading enthusiast is over the moon!


We can order a set of instructions and add extra detail!

Fascinating Fact Files

This week we have been learning all about the features of a non-fiction text. We’ve been researching, planning and editing our very own polar bear fact files ready for our Year 1 children to read.

Books by same author

We loved Kirsty Applebaum’s TrooFriend so much that we made a special order for Middler. This reading enthusiast is over the moon!


Today we organised facts and sentences into paragraphs. This is for our letter to raise awareness about deforestation.

Clockwork Book Talk

We have rounded off our whole class guided reading lessons on Philip Pullman’s gripping tale of Clockwork with group book talks. We have been using our 4Cs to consider what we loved and disliked using evidence from the text and giving reasons.

Book Club

We are looking for books which we haven’t yet read this year from our amazing class library. We are recommending books to our peers based on interest, books by the same author and genre. We love reading time!
