
At Birkwood Primary School, we are dedicated to ensuring children are and understand how to be safe. Therefore, we teach our children ‘The Birkwood Way’ where we must show 100% Effort, 100%. Kindness and 100% Respect. The values are threaded through everything we do at our school. We protect the innocence of our children and teach them to be safe at all points during the day and in all they do both in school and in the wider community.

Not only is safety a crucial aspect of our personal development curriculum but we teach children in a safety- netted environment. We want to provide a safe space so that children can discuss any worries  or concerns. Then we can support children appropriately. Any regular support is monitored and adapted to support the needs of the children and shared with parents, carers and (where needed) professional services.

Building strong, positive relationships with our children, parents and carers and our wider community is key to our success.

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Doncaster Belles Visit Birkwood

We had some special visitors from Doncaster Belles! Sharing their experiences with our children was just brilliant.  Some lucky children managed to win some fantastic prizes too! Don’t forget we have free tickets for the Belles v Leeds in August! Local company Polypipe has bought 2,000 tickets for schoolchildren & grassroots players, so please get in contact with Mr. Walton if you would like to claim any of these generously donated tickets.

New to F2!

Thank you to Miss Hutchinson and Miss Sabin who hosted our ‘New to F2’ meeting in the school hall. An excellent turn out enabled us to give some of our new families some information on what shall be in store in September. It is always exciting when children commence their full-time school education, and the staff did a wonderful job in reassuring our families what is on the way. I can certainly vouch for the very friendly warning that the school uniform will be very messy and very often! A magical time!

Sports Awards 2024

We attended the local area sports awards at the Barnsley Metrodome. A superb evening with an excellent Birkwood supporting cast. Congratulations to the trophy winners, and an even bigger thank you to Mr Walton for his leadership in our local competitions. The children love the opportunities, and many have the chance to access sport and physical activity. Representing the school is an honour and they do it terrifically. I look forward to a further raft of sporting events next academic year.

RSE 2024

Many thanks to Mrs. Wilkie & Miss Keen who delivered our RSE plans to parents this week. An excellent and informative meeting.

Phonics Presentation

Many thanks to Miss Sabin & Miss Betts for sharing the expectations around the Y1 Phonics Check with our families. Thank you to all of those who were able to attend. A very useful session!

Bingo Night

Many thanks to those who attended our Spring Bingo. A super night as always. Special mention to Mrs. Whitfield & Miss Taylor for their superb efforts as always! Eyes Down for the next one after half term!

Water Safety…

Many thanks to Barnsley Premier Leisure for visiting us to share some key messages on Water Safety. Some excellent advice for everyone ahead of the warmer weather.

In the Heart of Our Community

A finishing touch to our extension has been completed by artist Adam Briscoe. Please enjoy the fruits of his labour. Adam will be working with some of our children and his work has certainly captured the imagination and attention of everybody who has seen it! Some exciting artistic possibilities in store at Birkwood.

Special Opening Ceremony

We were privileged to host our opening ceremony for our magnificent extension. The facilities are wonderful and are set to serve the future (and present) children of Cudworth for a considerable period of time.
Many thanks to our special guests, Father David and Marie Kenealy. It was a pleasure to link their sterling service to our school and the children of Cudworth with this exciting event. Two genuine pillars of our local community who shall not be forgotten. To welcome a wide range of special visitors who all have personal links to our school was humbling. Many thanks to the staff team that enabled the special celebration to happen. It was a memorable experience for our school community, and we are lucky to have such beautiful facilities.

Road Safety Launch

Our School Council have featured in the Barnsley Chronicle. They have assisted Barnsley MBC in a new road safety campaign. They aim to remind pedestrians, cyclists, motorbike users and drivers that road safety is everyone’s responsibility. We were delighted to assist!

Feeding Families Barnsley

We were delighted to welcome Georgia & Jason who represented Feeding Families Barnsley following a request from one of our lovely families to connect with them. They do sterling work and will be an organisation that we are keen to support. A fabulous venture that meets our 100% Kindness Value perfectly!

Road Safety School Council Stars

We were delighted to help Barnsley Council in promoting successful Road Safety around the Borough. Our School Council were filmed for some awareness campaigns to attempt to keep everyone safe around schools. A brilliant activity that we are proud to endorse!

eSafety Workshop

We worked with Leeder Safeguarding and our parents to spread the need for effective safety online and when using devices and their apps! We certainly were made to think hard around something that affects so many people worldwide! Thank you to our families who were able to support and a special mention to the children for some excellent contributions.

Every Little Helps?

We have appeared at Tesco Stairfoot & Tesco Wilthorpe to attempt to raise money for our Breakfast Provision! Should you shop here then please help us out! Many thanks in advance, ‘Come on Birkwood!’

Wear Red Day

We are excited to be participating in Wear Red Day in honour of The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund again this year.
CHSF provide life-saving medical equipment for the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit, parent accommodation for families and vital ward resources. They are wholly funded by donations and provide help to over 17,000 babies, children, and adults each year who are affected by congenital heart disease.
This is a fantastic local charity who have supported several of our families in their time of need.

This day is Friday 2nd February 2024.
Children are invited to wear red, which may include their uniform.
All we ask is that you send a donation, which will be an amount of your choice.

It’s a simple yet powerful way to show unity and raise awareness about the incredible work they do.
We will also be selling buns throughout the day. Prices will range from 50p to £1. Donations of buns would also be greatly appreciated.

Christmas Fayre 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas Fayre. As always, we were terrifically supported. This is so gratefully received and shows just what an #IncredibleCommunity we truly are. The leadership of Miss Taylor & Mrs. Whitfield comes to the fore in days like this. I salute them and their loyal helpers. To work with such lovely, caring and talented people is an absolute pleasure. I am very proud of their efforts and the support that everyone gives them. Wonderful stuff! So thank you to everyone again. A special thank you too to FB’s Mum who has donated an enormous amount of goodies for the selection box raffle! Also, well done and thank you to the Year 6 photographers for their super work in helping with this video.

Festive Feast

Many thanks to our lovely Lunchtime Team – Christmas Dinner was superb! Our new Kitchen made its Christmas Lunch debut and fed a lot of grateful and hungry customers; we had a super time enjoying a delicious, traditional lunch.

Macmillan Magic

Many thanks to John from Macmillan who came to collect our donation from the sponsored read and walk. Thank you to every single person who has helped. This includes every single child at Birkwood as we all helped by participating in one of the events. A true team and community effort!

What a Day!

One of our Year 5 Superstars has a great friend in Jacob Brown (Luton Town FC.) Of course, we are all reds fans here at Birkwood but after leaving Barnsley, Jacob Brown hasn’t forgotten one of our superstars. He invited him to see Luton v Manchester City and ensured he had something special to mark the day – his own shirt! Sensational stuff.
