British Values

Hinduism reincarnation

This week Y2 Parka have been learning all about the Hinduism belief of reincarnation. We have discussed if we would like to be reincarnated as a human or animal and how we can live a life of good actions that would help us achieve Moska.

The Creation Story

Y2 Seacole have been thinking about the question ‘How do I and others feel about the universe around us?’
 We have looked at the Christian religion and have discussed The Creation Story from The Bible. We talked about our own beliefs on how the world was created and we listened respectfully to everyone’s ideas before sequencing the story.


We enjoyed our assembly about the Festival of Sacrifice. We know that this is a special time for Muslims.

A Jewish Story

We listened to the Jewish story – Daniel and The Lion’s Den! We then thought about questions we wanted to discuss.


Y2 Seacole enjoyed learning about the Festival of Sacrifice through our online assembly. We understand why this is an important celebration for Muslims. We know that Muslims send each other Eid cards so we made some of our own.

The Five Duties of a Hindu

Y2 Seacole have been learning all about the 5 duties every Hindu tries to follow each day. We have talked about these duties and then thought about duties we have in school and at home.
